SQLynx Team: Web SQL Editor to Support Team users or Small Company

Native web based SQL editor for less than 100 users Support team users or small company for database management, user management, role managemant and auditing

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Database management function screenshot

Database Management

Databases can be managed by system manager, other user can not be access the database management panel. System manager can add all different databases like testing systems and production systems and provide to users by their permissions.

You can manage all databases information in database management panel. You can view, edit, add, delete databases.

User management function screenshot

User Management

Users can be managed by system manager, you can view, edit, add, delete users in the panel. Also can view user roles in user view, edit group information in user view.

Role management function screenshot

Role Management

Role is like group, you can view, edit, add, delete roles in the panel and put resourses like databases in the role, then you can put users in the role to get the permission of the role.

With Role settings, you can make different users manage different databases.

User access audit information screenshot

Access Audit

Audit system will record all information for user operations like SQL executing, data export, data import and SQL file executing, sample data generation and more. All information related to databases operation will be recorded to local storage.

Audit system will also record data for platform change including add, edit, delete databases, revise users, roles and more. Login informatin will be recorded for auditing.

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