The Differences Between POST and GET in HTTP Protocol

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The Differences Between POST and GET in HTTP Protocol

In the HTTP protocol, POST and GET are two commonly used request methods, each with distinct semantics, functions, and use cases. This article explores their differences in detail.

1. Semantics and Purpose

  • GET: Used to request data from the server. GET requests should be idempotent, meaning that making the same GET request multiple times should not alter the server’s state. GET is typically used to retrieve resources or query information.

  • POST: Used to send data to the server to create or update a resource. POST requests generally result in a change in the server’s state, such as creating a new record or updating an existing one in the database. POST requests are not idempotent; repeated POST requests can lead to changes in the server’s state.

2. Location of Request Parameters

  • GET: Parameters are placed in the URL, typically in the form of a query string. For example:

    GET /api/users?id=123&name=JohnDoe HTTP/1.1

    URLs have a character length limit, usually no more than 2048 characters.

  • POST: Parameters are included in the request body. For example:

    POST /api/users HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 123,
    "name": "John Doe"

3. Security

  • GET: Since parameters are in the URL, data in GET requests can be easily viewed and logged in browser history and server logs, making it unsuitable for transmitting sensitive information.

  • POST: Parameters are in the request body, making them less visible. POST is more appropriate for sensitive data. However, POST requests can still be intercepted, so HTTPS encryption is necessary to protect sensitive information.

4. Caching

  • GET: Data in GET requests is typically cacheable. Browsers and proxy servers often cache GET request responses to reduce server load and speed up loading times.

  • POST: Data in POST requests is generally not cacheable. Browsers do not cache POST request responses by default unless explicitly specified.

5. Idempotency

  • GET: GET requests are idempotent; making the same GET request multiple times does not change the server’s state.

  • POST: POST requests are not idempotent; multiple identical POST requests can lead to changes in the server’s state, such as inserting multiple identical records.

6. Length Limitation

  • GET: GET request URLs have a length limitation, which varies across browsers and servers but typically does not exceed 2048 characters.

  • POST: The length of the request body in POST requests is theoretically unlimited, constrained only by server configuration and implementation.

Example Comparison

GET Request Example:

GET /api/users?id=123&name=JohnDoe HTTP/1.1

POST Request Example:

POST /api/users HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"id": 123,
"name": "John Doe"


  • GET: Used to retrieve data, parameters are in the URL, suitable for non-sensitive data, supports caching, has length limitations, and is idempotent.
  • POST: Used to send data to create or update resources, parameters are in the request body, suitable for sensitive data, does not support caching, has no length limitations, and is not idempotent.

Understanding the differences and appropriate use cases for GET and POST is crucial for designing and implementing RESTful APIs and web applications effectively.