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Support MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB...

SQLYNX - Web & Desktop SQL Editor

Native Web Based SQL Editor, support desktop and web database management for enterprise. It's a cross-platform database tool for everyone working with data. It supports all popular databases like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Hive, Impala, Hadoop and more.

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Data Catalog and Data API Platform

DaaS - Data as a Service Platform

Developed based on SQLynx, DaaS Platform support function of Metadata Management and Data as A Service to help you easily manage your databases. You can create restful data api, csv, excel using DaaS platform with configure method or SQL code.

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SQLynx View

Support multiple databases like mysql, mariadb, postgresql, sql server, sqlite and more.
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SQLynx Versions

Professional database management platform, support SQL Editor, table management, database management, auditing...
SQLynx pro version

SQLynx Pro

Desktop SQL Tool

Support SQL Query, Table Management, Data Export, Data Import, Data Transfer, Sample Data Generation, SQL File Execution, Table DDL Compare Backup and Restore and more.

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SQLynx team version

SQLynx Team

Web SQL Tool, Less than 100 Users

Native Web Based SQL Tool, including funciton of Pro, and support Team Coordination, User Management, Role Management, Audit Management, Operation Management and more.

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SQLynx enterprise version

SQLynx Enterprise

Web SQL Tool, Up to 1 Million Users

Native Web Based SQL Tool, including function of Team, and support Risk Management, Rule Management, Approval Management, and support High Availability Deployment.

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Professional SQL Editor and Client

Why do you choose SQLYNX

Globally more than 1 million users have used SQLynx for their business. It not only support individal user, but also natively support enterprise and team to coordinate working.

It designed for big data and support multiple databases like mysql, mariadb, postgresql, sql server, sqlite and more.

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Years Expirence
Fortune 500
Thousands users
Know about SQLynx
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Get to know about SQLYNX

It can install on different OS like Windows, MacOS and Linux. User can switch white and black theme for your prefer. It developed by web technoledge and can installed using desktop.

It supports most poplular SQL databases like mysql, mariadb, postgresql and sqlite and more.

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